Saturday, June 14, 2014

Kidney Disease Symptoms-Anemia A Symptom Of Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease Symptoms
Kidney disease symptoms occur slowly over time and can go unchecked until they escalate and can no longer be ignored. One of the more common and often the first signs is frequent trips to the bathroom, where there may be an increase or decrease in passing urine ,


Reversing Kidney Disease-Natural Solution

Friday, June 13, 2014

Kidney Infection-Causes And Solutions

                                 Kidney Infection
A kidney infection is usually treatable  and curable with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Urinary Tract Infection commonly known as UTI  effect the bladder and uretha,when a UTI passes through to the


Kidney Disease Causes-Effects Of Kidney Disease

Dr.Duncan Capicchianosnatural solution for kidney disease relief

               Kidney Disease Causes
Kidney Location
Kidney Disease Causes– What Is Kidney Disease ?
Like so many other things, we don’t appreciate them until they are gone.  Sometimes, even if something


Polycystic Kidney Disease-Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease
Normal kidney function is vital for human body. One of the most serious diseases that can affect the kidney function and the kidneys themselves is genetic in nature and referred to as polycystic kidney disease. Polycystic kidney disease is a cystic genetic disorder


Kidney Stone - Kidney Stone Causes & Treatment

                Kidney Stone-  Causes and Treatment

kidney stone in women

A dreaded diagnosis to hear is kidney stone!  This is the most common disorder of the kidneys.  In the U.S alone there are over a million clinic visits per year with over 300,000 emergency


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Organic Nutritional Healing-EBook

[caption id=attachment_736 align=alignleft width=150] Click To Download Now!![/caption]

The term organic is derived from the process used by farmers who diligently avoid using any bio-persistent chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. They are very cautious in the methods they




Monday, June 9, 2014

How is Blood Pressure Linked to Your Kidneys?

[caption id="attachment_773" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kidney Disease -High Blood Pressure-Linked[/caption]

Does your blood pressure and kidneys seem like unrelated areas of your body? They really are quite well linked and I will show you how. First let’s look at what a blood pressure


Is A Kidney Cyst Treatable ?

Diagnosing and Treating A Kidney Cyst

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Organic And Natural Healing-EBook

Organic Natural Healing
The term organic is derived from the process used by farmers who diligently avoid using any bio-persistent chemical pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers. They are very cautious in the methods they used when tending to the quality and quantity of their productions.
As such food produced this way are accredited to be very safe for human consumption. These farmers produce these products with emphasis on the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water while continuing to ensure the quality of the environment for the future generations.
For organic meats, such as poultry, eggs and dairy products, there is no use of any enhancements to get optimum quality or quantity. No antibiotics or growth hormones are used, while for vegetables, no pesticides, fertilizers, bioengineer seeds, or plants are used. Other references to the methods of organic processes are the use of insects and bird to reduce and manage pests or disease, when compared to the negative solutions like insecticides.
The animals are allowed fresh air and ample grazing grounds to move around freely and so the quality of their life transcends into the quality of the meats they produce. In contract the meats produced by animals treated with antibiotics, hormones and other foreign elements continue to show signs of stress which in turn is clearly detected in the quality of meats derived.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Renal Failure -Infographic

Renal Failure Infographic -Presented By The Team From Kidney Disease Relief.
Renal Failure-Infographic
Renal Failure Infographic

Is Reversing Kidney Disease Really Possible?

 According the medical experts, kidney disease affects more than 10 percent of adults to one degree or another. The incidence and seriousness of kidney disease increase significantly with age, but people with specific risk factors are most likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease. Traditional medical treatments are available, ranging from medication to dialysis to organ transplants. However, there are many who argue that non-traditional treatments should also be considered by anyone suffering from kidney disease. Reversing kidney disease should be the goal of all patients facing the effects of chronic kidney disease. However, in order to treat kidney disease, sufferers first need to understand the causes and effects of chronic kidney disease.

What are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease?

One of the problems facing medical professionals routinely involved in chronic kidney disease treatment is that people with early stages of kidney failure rarely recognize they have a medical problem. Diagnosis rarely occurs until later stages of the disease, where normal treatments are difficult, with less successful outcomes. Treatments are more likely to succeed if the symptoms of kidney failure are recognized early.

Typical symptoms of kidney disease include:

1. Changes in urination patterns. Any changes in color, amount or odors associated with urination should be investigated promptly.

2. Retention of fluids. A buildup of fluids may cause swelling of feet or ankles, or cause a puffiness around the face. Any unexplained swelling may indicate kidney problems.

3. Nausea or vomiting. Any time that impurities are not properly removed, severe discomfort resulting in vomiting is common. When the condition is on-going or frequent, a visit to a medical professional is indicated.

4. Chronic Fatigue. Kidneys not functioning properly do not produce the same hormones healthy kidneys produce, resulting in reduced red blood cell counts. Energy levels drop off as kidney function is reduced.

While there are other physical symptoms reported, these four are commonly associated with reduced kidney function, and each should be checked out to reduce the likelihood of further damage.

How can chronic kidney disease be treated?

There are several theories of how to treat kidney disease. Standard medical treatments consider several factors that influence chronic kidney disease. Identified risk factors include a family history of kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and age. Individuals over 60 are at increasing risk, with those over age 70 being at highest risk of being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

Treatment, especially treatment of early stage kidney disease, must include dealing with those issues. Controlling diabetes and reducing high blood pressure are important for reducing the potential for developing chronic kidney disease. Recognizing the existence of genetic tendencies and age factors allows changes in lifestyle that can also reduce the incidence or severeity of kidney issues.

Typical treatment for late stage kidney disease includes dialysis and organ transplants. While these treatments may be appropriate for many individuals, there may be alternative treatments that could prevent long-term dialysis requirements, or eliminate the need for organ transplant surgery.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Should naturopathic treatments be considered for chronic kidney disease?

Naturopathic treatments for chronic kidney disease are becoming increasingly common as a part of a complete treatment plan. Naturopathic treatments, even for End Stage Renal Failure, often produce positive results, allowing patients to live a more normal life. While there are variations to suggested naturopathic treatments, all follow similar patterns.

1. First, remove wastes from the blood supply. The primary function of the kidneys is to remove wastes. When they are unable to perform that function properly, the buildup of wastes quickly becomes toxic. There are different methods to purify the blood supply, and specific treatments are tailored to the needs of each individual.

2. The second step is to develop a renal diet plan. Proper nutrition reduces the stresses placed on the body's organs, allowing the body to begin healing itself. Again, specific dietary recommendations are based on the degree of illness.

3. The third step is to develop a long-range plan for kidney health. Not all kidney damage can be reversed, but steps can be taken to enhance the function of healthy kidney cells and reduce the chances for additional damage. The plan may include different medications and lifestyle changes. As with all treatments, patients do not respond the same, but many kidney patients are, after treatments, able to stop dialysis.

The key to reversing or preventing further kidney damage is to diagnose the condition during its early stages. Individuals with any of the markers indicating kidney damage should immediately seek medical advice, as it is far easier to deal with kidney disease while it is still in its early stages. However, even when diagnosed during later stages, chronic kidney disease is treatable.